
Extra Content

This is an extra content you can include in all your pages

This is good for announcements, for instance.

You can edit it from the settings menu

LightNEasy 2.2.2 index page

If you are seeing this, that means LightNEasy installation worked!

This is the start page of your website. You should never delete this page! Instead, edit its content and enter whatever you want as content for this page. You can also alter the menu name, but the filename must be index.

Report to LightNEasy website to look at the instructions manual and how to use LightNEasy functionalities.

Login, using the password you entered, chose the template you want or make a LightNEasy template, and start building your website!

Take a look at the bundled template files and see how easy it is to build a LightNEasy template!


Lastest News

News Title

Posted at 07/02/09 - 01:19 PM

This is some example news.

Of course, you should edit/delete this news and enter your own.

Author: Fernbap my@email.com